First Impressions by Jay Hogan


Hi all! I loved so many things about Josh & Michael’s story. For starters, this book takes place in New Zealand, so that was a fun visit to a place I’ve never seen.

Jay Hogan’s writing is just flawless, and the characters were both fun from page one. Michael is a sexy doctor who doesn’t get too close to anyone. Josh has the coolest job ever—he’s a K9 cop! And a single dad, with a lot on his plate. I was all in for these two from the start.

One thing Jay Hogan does so well (both here and in Unguarded, her Vino & Veritas title) is to bring on the devastating crisis point in the book. It’s hard to do that in a romance. Really hard. And when it’s done well, the payoff is so sweet!

Grab First Impressions while you can! (And then read Unguarded because it’s just great, too!)