First Chapter: The Last Guy on Earth FirstChaptersN. L.February 7, 2025first chapter, sarina bowen, hockey guys, hockey romance, mm romance, the last guy on earth
First Chapter: I'm Your Guy (For real though!). FirstChaptersN. L.October 6, 2023hockey guys, mm romance, hockey romance, Teddy Hamilton, Jacob Morgan, first chapter, I'm Your Guy
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First Chapter: I'm Your Guy N. L.March 6, 2023sarina bowen, first chapter, mm romance, hockey romance, hockey guys, im your guy
It's live! Meet The New Guy... New ReleasesN. L.February 27, 2023new releases, mm romance, hockey romance, hockey guys, Release Day, sarina bowen, Teddy Hamilton, jf harding
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The New Guy: An Excerpt ExcerptN. L.December 30, 2022sarina bowen, the new guy, mm romance, hockey romance, brooklyn bruisers, excerpt
First Chapter: The Best Men FirstChaptersN. L.January 14, 2022The Best Men, lauren blakely, sarina bowen, mm romance Comments
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Cover Reveal Day! Wait until you see this one... cover revealN. L.November 15, 2021cover reveal, sarina bowen, lauren blakely, The Best Men, mm romance, m/mComment