Good Things in June & July
I can’t believe I skipped June! I also can’t believe I started this habit of writing “good things” posts right before an international health crisis. So I guess timing isn’t my strong suit. But here we are!
You may recall that I adopted this habit from Alexis Hall. So let me say that one of the good things I experienced this summer was his brilliant book BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. If you need a lift, go read it immediately.
I guess this was the summer of smart Brits because my other pick was DON’T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME by Mhairi McFarlane. It’s just terrific. These two authors should meet each other. Except, oh wait, we don’t do that anymore.
Moving on.
I finished writing LOVERBOY, and you can have it on December 1st. Whee! But the truth is that I rarely celebrate these milestones. I don’t know why. Similarly, I’m not very interested in my own birthday, etc.
But there was a moment in June that really made me step back and feel just the tiniest bit impressed with my progress. And that was the moment I got the first signed contract back for one of the World of True North books I’m bringing out in 2021. That contract landed in my inbox and I just stared at it for a moment. Like, holy cow, this is really happening. I put a bottle of Prosecco in the freezer and I remembered to take it out again before it exploded. Because that’s how you rock it Covid style. Picture me making the sign of the devil. Or not. You get the idea.**
Incidentally, my computer just flagged Covid as a misspelling. REALLY DUDE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
Other joys of June and July have included:
Pool floats! We have an in-ground pool that was built in the 1980s. It is kidney-shaped and not very large. It requires maintenance and chemicals and is sometimes a pain. But this summer I was determined to really enjoy it. So I bought two matching pool floats shaped like squishy chairs. I’m reading a hardback thriller a couple chapters at a time sitting in my pool on my garish pool float and this makes me happy. Don’t judge.
I joined a book club in 1995 and stayed a member until 2009. Then I left New York. But Covid has brought us back together again! I went to book club while sitting in my car waiting for my kid’s karate class.
Outdoor karate is really impressive, and I’m so happy my teenager gets to go three times a week. Most of the classes are weapons classes. Lately the teen is learning how to kill you with a wooden oar. It’s a big class so don’t start any trouble on Wednesday nights in a park in Lebanon NH. You might regret it when 20 teens rush you with their oars.
Pink wine.
Summer cooking is my last Good Thing, but not the least important. And teenage boys are very gratifying to cook for. They like food. A lot. The other day Thing 1 said “I’m still thinking about that bruschetta you made last night.” Is that praise, or what? Plus I taught them the proper way to say “bruschetta,” with a hard ‘k’ sound. If Americans are ever allowed into Europe again (and really, why would we be) my sons will be able to order Italian food without sounding like weenies.
Happy August!
Love, Sarina
This is not me. Her pool is nicer. Also, I am old enough to be her mother. But you get the idea.