Good Things in April
Jess had to drive 2 hours just to take this walk with us. I’m so glad she did!
Well here we are. Another bonkers month has passed. I am feeling two opposing emotions in great quantity: gratitude and anxiety. We are all still fine up here on our hilltop. Aside from a few grocery items that are now perpetually unavailable, I have very little to complain about. And then I read the news and my blood pressure shoots sky high.
In spite of the strangeness of the world, April had its pleasures. In no particular order:
Books I Enjoyed:
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane Terrific writing! So. Flipping. Good. The voice is just wonderful.
More than a Cowboy by Sarah Mayberry I think this is my favorite of the Carmody family! Super fun!
The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish It’s been a while since I read a big, sweeping historical fiction. This was great, with a cool twist at the end.
Places I Went:
I walked around the country road where I live. Luckily, Jess drove down to walk with KJ and I! It was the most fun I’ve had in quite a while!
I went to the grocery store. It was very exciting.
Foods I Ate:
OMG. Chocolove almond butter and dark chocolate easter eggs. Where have these been all my life? They also make a regular bar. I must buy one and shove it into my face hole.
I’ve been trying to keep the menu interesting to keep everyone’s spirits up. So I made some crowd-pleasers like baked mac and cheddar, greek salads, and even an apple crisp. I’ve been getting bi-weekly vegetable deliveries from Misfits Market. I love these guys. All the produce is organic, and the price is pretty great. They gave me a coupon code if you want to try it at 25% off. The code is COOKWME-EQ8XLX.
On Easter I made this Basic Bread Recipe by King Arthur Flour into dinner rolls. They were delicious.
Also? My sister in law makes these rectangular almond cookies dipped in chocolate. I don’t even like cookies, generally. But these are amazing, and I usually score some at Christmas. Well. I got a small flat rate box in the mail from her. And she had made some and sent me the exact number that could be crammed into the box. It might be the highlight of my April.
Onward, people! May is going to rock! Right?