Sarina Makes Candy Hearts
Happy February! Tis the season of red and white decoration and heart-shaped candies! I made you a little something. If I were in charge of stamping the messages on candy hearts, I'd shake things up a little. Ready?
Right? Because what's sexier than a man who reads?
Modern love, people. The new romance.
Just saying. Some of us have racy jobs.
When you really want to make a statement.
Then I started thinking about what other people would write on a candy heart. Then things got really silly.
This is what Christian Gray would write.
A manwhore's candy heart. Or a maple sugarer's.
This is what Wes from HIM would say. (Awww!)
A Spinal Tap candy heart. (I know. My age is showing.)
Don't you just love Valentine's Day? :-)